Rates and Policies - Music
Effective July 1st, 2024
Cost and Payment
Private Lessons
30 minute lesson: $30
60 minute lesson: $60
30 minute coaching: $40
Payment for the entire month of lessons is due on the 1st of every month. The amount may differ from one month to the next, depending on the number of lessons in each month. An invoice will be sent to the email on file near the end of the month for the next month’s lessons. Each student is automatically enrolled in the following month, unless proper notice is given (please refer to Terminating Lessons). Payment is always due prior to the first lesson.
Music lessons and classes are tax exempt, meaning tax will not be added to invoices.
Group Programs
Fees for all group programs are due upon registration, and are required to hold a student’s spot in the program. Payment for late registrants is due upon registration, and must be paid in full prior to the first day/session. Fees vary depending on the workshop or program being offered.
Payment can be made by cash, cheque (made out to Omnes Arts Circle), or e-transfer (sent to payments@omnesartscircle.ca for auto deposit - please put the student’s name in the message box).
Most communication will take place via email. Please make sure the email you have on file is up to date and checked regularly. Please also add the following emails to your address book so emails are not missed. It is the responsibility of the student/parents to manage email communication.
Administrative: info@omnesartscircle.ca
Payment by e-transfer: payments@omnesartscircle.ca
Taisha (owner): taisha@omnesartscircle.ca
It is highly recommended to follow our Facebook page to receive further notifications.
Teacher Cancellations
Private Lessons:
In the event the teacher has to cancel a lesson, the teacher will have two options:
reschedule the lesson, or
apply a credit to the following month
Group Lessons:
In the event the teacher has to cancel a class, the teacher will have two options:
reschedule the class (during the normal year or after the session ends), or
arrange for a substitute teacher to teach the class
Student Cancellations
In the event the student has to cancel a class or lesson, the student is asked to notify the teacher and office immediately. Cancelled lessons and classes (or “no shows”) will be forfeited, and make up lessons will not be scheduled. No credits or refunds will be given in the event of student cancellations unless proper notice is given for Vacation Time (please see below), in the case of private and partner lessons. If a student cancels or is a “no show” repeatedly, the teacher may discontinue lessons with that student.
Late Students
Private Lessons: If a student is more than 10 minutes late (without notice), the lesson is forfeited without credit or refund.
Group Classes: If a student is more than 10 minutes late (without notice), they may be asked to wait and join the class at an appropriate time. If the student is repeatedly late for class, the teacher may remove the student from the class performance in the year-end show, where applicable, without refund.
Inclement Weather
In the case of inclement weather and snow days, lessons and classes at the studio will proceed at the discretion of the studio.
Private Lessons: If the studio closes due to inclement weather, lessons will either be rescheduled, or a credit will be applied to the following month’s invoice.
Group Lessons: If the studio closes due to inclement weather, group lessons will be rescheduled up to one lesson per session, at the discretion of the studio.
Please check Omnes Arts Circle’s Facebook or Instagram page to see if classes and lessons have been cancelled, or email info@omnesartscircle.ca for confirmation. Students and parents are encouraged to use their own discretion in travelling to the studio in inclement weather.
Vacation Time
Private Lessons: Each student is permitted two weeks of vacation time (including two missed lessons) per year (September through June) without penalty, if the proper protocol is followed. The student must notify the teacher and office of vacation time at least two weeks in advance of any lessons that may be missed. Payments for that month or session may be altered to reflect the time away, or a credit may be applied to the following month or session. Vacation time exceeding two weeks will be at the discretion of the teacher.
Terminating Lessons
Private Lessons: If a student wishes to discontinue lessons, notice must be given to the office in writing at least two weeks in advance. Refunds will not be given for payments already made, so the student is encouraged to finish the lessons that are already paid for. Registration and payment will automatically be renewed for the following month or session, unless proper protocol is followed in terminating lessons.
New students are required to register and pay for at least six lessons prior to terminating lessons.
Group Lessons: Refunds will not be given, as we rely on registration numbers to be able to run certain group classes.
The teacher reserves the right to discontinue classes with a student if:
a student misses four or more classes during the session, or
a student misses three consecutive classes without notice or proof of medical reason, or
a student is repeatedly late or misses class without notifying the studio
In such cases, the student’s spot may be forfeited and offered to a student on the waitlist. Refunds will not be issued in such cases.
Purchasing Music and Materials
Pianos/Keyboards and Other Instruments
Every student enrolled in private or partner lessons is required to have an instrument at home to practice with. You are encouraged to consult with the teacher to find the best option.
Students will be required to purchase materials such as music books (chosen by the teacher), notebooks, binders/duotangs, pencils, etc., at their own expense. Typically, the studio will purchase the books needed and add the cost to the following month’s invoice. Every effort will be made by the teacher to keep additional expenses as low as possible.
Voice Students should have a binder, and all other instruments should have a duotang.
For the first lesson, every student under the age of 16 should have a notebook, binder/duotang, and pencil, all in a separate bag they can use for lessons every week.
Music: All students are invited to participate in the studio’s recital(s). Details will be provided by your teacher(s).
Code of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct
Respect for teachers, parents and peers will be expected at all times. Cliques or bullying will not be tolerated. Students behaving inappropriately will be asked to leave the lesson or class, and parents will be contacted. Refunds will not be given for missed lesson or class time.
Students are expected to attend lessons and classes and be punctual.
No running in the studios, or touching equipment without permission.
Students must treat the studio with respect. Clean up all messes and throw out any food or garbage in the many bins provided. Food and drink are not permitted in the music studios, except for water bottles with secured caps.
Theft of any kind at the studio will result in immediate dismissal. No refunds will be given in such cases.
No swearing or foul language will be permitted.
No gum is allowed in the studio at any time.
No cell phones allowed in any classes at any time, except at the discretion of the teacher.
Label all belongings and leave all valuables at home. Omnes Arts Circle is not responsible for any lost or missing belongings. Please check the lost and found box regularly as all items will be donated to Goodwill after a certain length of time.
We encourage all of our students to work hard and try hard, and be the best student that they can be!
Parent Code of Conduct
Communicate regularly with the studio.
Ensure that the student attends lessons and classes regularly and on time.
Inform the studio promptly about absences or late arrivals.
Ensure to pick up the student on time after lessons or classes end.
Encourage and help the student to follow the student code of conduct.
Support and aid the studio teachers and staff in dealing with disciplinary issues involving their child.
Do not interrupt lessons or classes while in progress. Please make an appointment by emailing info@omnesartscircle.ca if you wish to book a meeting with a teacher.
Omnes Arts Circle is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please leave all valuables at home.